Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Sooo, of course.... the week of BIG fun and New Year bliss I am sick as a damn dog! I am feverish, my throat hurts, I am congested, it is the fucking pits. I refuse to let this stop my party plans.

I think it all started Dec 26th, when me and my girls went to this horrible restaurant called Timbuktu. Which was located in Timbuk-fucking-tu Maryland. Ohhh the Camel!!
I thought I was gonna have to pop a trashy waitress in her mouth, that had the nerve to ask us about her funky tip! I have had better meals at McDonald's, and she wants to get sensitive about a TIP! Bitch. Why do we tip anyway? Honestly, why? Cause you can bring food to me? Cause you bring drinks? I can do that! why must you be tipped? Nobody tips me at my job!

Anywhoo, the main point of this awful story is my sickness. I think that somewhere in that evening, I got terribly sick. It was bitter cold and I should have stayed my ass in the house.

Saw Princess and the Frog though, that was a highlight. They were easy on the stereotypes, I liked that. Pretty cool to see. My unborn kids will always know a Black Disney Princess.

Stay Real!
Until next time

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

A very blessed day I hope you all have! I am sitting here watching 24 hours of a Christmas Story..... Classic!!

Breakfast has been made and eaten, I am getting my butt together, and going to my mother in laws for dinner and fellowship! Christmas gifts were a little skimpy this year, though that's the current place we are in due to this recession. I will still praise the GOD for giving us the gift of Christ our Lord.

Say Real! Merry, Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Mo'Nique Show

Please note that as a fellow big girl I am happy for Mo doing her thing. She rocked and basically STOLE the show in Precious, has been a successful Queen of Comedy and even had her own nationally syndicated radio show. However................
This CRAP they got on BET is a damn waste of my time. The yelling or really "screeching" she does ALL NIGHT LONG is terrifiying, if not annoying. My ears still hurt after abruptly turning the channel. Her guests are made up of mostly B and C list stars.... I mean, for the most part she is the most famous person on the show. I am too through with this. I needed to vent! Have any of you seen the show? I think babygirl needs to hang it up. The radio show she had was awesome! I wonder why that fell through??

Anyway, off my hater rant, I do want to acknowledge that it is Christmas Eve in like 15 minutes. I am off work tomorrow to spend my day chilling and watching Maury Povich. YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER!! LOL Where do they find these hoes? I'll make sure to check in with you all for a quickie...

Stay Real!

*Image copied from hiphop.popcrunch.com

Saturday, December 19, 2009


See, I think this is the universe's plot to get me pregnant. Have me locked up in a house with a man and nowhere to go for days.... You do the math.
I saw 2 feet of snow at the crib. This fool ass woman got her car stuck in front of my house, so my husband and I decided to get our good samaritan on and assist. Well, we obviously sucked and couldn't get her our quite by ourseleves so this random white guy (who really came out of nowhere) barked instructions at all of us and we got her out in tip top shape... I mean, why the hell was she driving a 92' Hyundai in the fucking snow in the first place?? She didnt LOOK retarded, though must have been.
Went to the grocery store last night to prepare for all this, shelves were bare! Even the nasty generic brands were gone!!! I was almost glad to see that there are just as many people with empty fridges who needed to restock. Didn't make me feel so broke or unprepared. The snow is dwindling now.... It still don't look so good for work on Monday though, my car is unrecognizable.

Maybe I can blame this storm for the reason why I didnt Christmas shop...... Hmmm....

Stay Real!
Until Next Time!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Just got paid..... Friday Night

TGIF!!!! Man, it has been the LONGEST week in history eh? LOL
I am bright eyed and bushy tailed thanks to my Starbucks Barista.

Tonight is supposed to be the start of one of the biggest snow storms of the season... We had a little punk ass snowfall at the beginning of the month, so I am sure that this one will surpass that wimpy one. I love the snow, I don't like to drive in it. Wish I didn't have to work the whole month of Jan and Feb. Maybe if I get my money right I can be one of those old people that chase the sun for a living. Live in LA during the summer and in Arizona during the winter. Oh wait, they don't like Martin Luther King in AZ, maybe I will go to Nevada in the winter... get my shuffleboard on. I think I will be one of those Bingo lovin, fly old ladies. I'm sure my snowbird dreams will be cut short though. My husband loves the cold weather, he is a weird one.

As a spring baby and a fire sign I LIVE for what's HOT! Maybe I will start an official countdown until next summer.

Stay warm and stay real!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Watch Your Shoes at an Office Party

I don't wanna flat iron my hair.... I just don't. I washed it two days ago and wrapped it up, but I REFUSE to take the time and flat iron it! I am taking a stand. My white friends don't know how easy they have it with the whole "wash and go" thing they got going on...... Not that I envy Caucasian hair, I just admire the easy, breezy, beautiful Cover Girl shit they got going on.

Tomorrow is my company Holiday Party..... I know what you may be thinking in terms of a "drunken office party" though actually these are pretty tame. Though, I used to work for a company who WILL remain nameless (only due to the mental scarring) where it was a balls-out beer fest and one year, this drunken slob of a woman got a ride home in the ambulance. She did the walk of shame the following day at the office...... It was pretty bad. She threw up on part of my shoe. I am still angry. Bitter almost. I loved those shoes. This was like 3 years ago. Drunken slut.

Karaoke is my thing and I am debating if I should sing my usual "Purple Rain" with a Vodka and Cran in my hand, or just sit back and laugh at whoever really wants to belt out off-key Christmas jams all night. Yeah, I will just sit and laugh. There is no liquor at this funky joint. So, no throw up on my shoe. Yay!

Y'all stay Real!
Until Next time!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today was a good day

So I'm home for the day!! My freaking feet hurt! Well, not even both of them, just one stupid foot. What's up with that?

Anyway, you may be thinking, Why was it a good day? Welllllllllllllll........... Finally The overseer decided it was time for my field nigga ass to come work in the house. Yes, I got a promotion at work. Much needed, well deserved. On top of all that I have bought my ticket for Dallas Texas, so I may parking lot pimp at the 2010 All Star Game.... (You know thats how broke ho's kick it, we wait for the let out in the parking lot) I also enrolled in school today! Yes, y'all I can read! Hopefully my grades will prove this. I have procrastinated for so long, I guess its time to buckle down and get real about school. We will see how it goes.

The FAFSA stuff is funny and frustrating at the same time. I was almost ready for them to ask my favorite color and sexual position. They are nosey as hell!!! Though I guess they would have to be if they are issuing checks! is it wrong that I am more excited for the extra money than the classes? Terrible.

To quote the poet Ice Cube
"Today I didn't even have to use my A.K. I got to say it was a good day. "

Monday, December 14, 2009

What is a Realist anyway?

re⋅al⋅ist  /ˈriəlɪst/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ree-uh-list]

a person who tends to view or represent things as they really are.
an artist or a writer whose work is characterized by realism.
Philosophy. an adherent of realism.

Soooo, yeah I remember in high school my History teacher once called me a "bullshit artist". I halfway agree. I was able to complete essays in a timely manner cause I eventually found out what the fuck teachers wanted to hear. Fluff. I once thought.... Man, I could totally type Mary had a Little Lamb over and over in the middle of my high school essays and I wonder if anyone would notice. I was THAT good! anyway, that was my random thought. I think its the Aries in me that has the gift of gab, or what some would call the art of "bullshit" Though for the most part I mean what I say and say what I mean. LOL
Now let me go cook for this man of mine.......

First Post!!! YAY!!

Sooooo..... looks like I have a blog now. I was approached about it months ago, though really didn't feel as if I had time, or that I really wanted to "compete" with so many other blogs I see out here. I'm not doing it for money, just for fun! (though hey if a sista can get a few dollas out of this, why not? How though?? Hmmm....) I think to sum it all up, this will be my online journal. You will learn more about me and I hope for a few followers....lol

Just a day in the life........of ME!