Friday, September 17, 2010

Dazed and Confused

So, I am a shit talker. I make no excuses for that. I say what I want and usually mean what I say. Recently, I got involved in some high school drama while on Facebook. Now, I always thought Facebook was supposed to mean, you post things on people's wall or pages and they respond back to you... When did all this petty shit come into play? I am not an internet gangster. I am a grown-up. I can back up what I say. So, when I see a coward delete my posts or take offense to what is on the internet, I have no choice but to laugh out loud. You are the one being manipulated sir. Can't keep wanting what you cant have.

Anywhoo, that is enough time I will spend on those who don't matter.

Today is Friday and I am loving it!! Another weekend I will spend at home not doing a damn thing! I was actually thinking about re-arranging some things, though who knows. I got homework to do.... This math class is getting on my LAST nerve! Since I signed up for the real world before I went to college, I know for a fact that I wont need to know most of this shit to get by in life. So I think that is what frustrates me the most. I have been posting alegbraic equations to my co-workers all week and they seem to get a kick out of solving them! I will leave you with this...


Solve That!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday Funnies

I am always amazed about what I will find on YouTube. Enjoy this!

Here is the original

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Glamour Wednesday!!

I am a huuuuge fan of Carol’s Daughter! I have used her hair products when I was natural and now that I have a relaxer. I want to put you all on to this. This hairdress can be used with wet or dry hair. What I like to do is take some and put it in my hair when I have washed it and when I do a dry wrap before I go to bed at night. It will leave your hair a little wet, though when you wake up, it will be silky! Check it out for yourself!

Some of Marguerite's Magic for Hair
By Carols’s Daughter
No parabens, petroleum, mineral oil or artificial color.

Girl, you are as fake as your weave....Or are you?

Ok, so a Facebook conversation really inspired me to once again come out of blog coma and write about the current state women are in with our so- called "fakeness". Is it misleading when you meet a man and have weave down your back, 3 inch heels on and a wonderbra? (Luckily, your girl never had those small titty issues, I was always blessed.) Though, I can see where a man will call a woman fake, based on the outer appearance we try to hard to present. Though fellas, give us a break! It's a dog eat dog world out there and women out number the fellas.... So if I gotta prop my girls up or get them surgically enhanced, chemically straighten my hair... to look good then so be it! Look at the magazines, models and TV, natural sistas are NOT what you desire. Though I am not saying those women aren't beautiful. I once wore my natural hair for a year, men AND women alike were looking at me as if I joined a cult. So what is it? You will have your "self- righteous" brothers who want a sista in a Dashiki just to prove a point and then you have your men who will ONLY be seen with a model chick. To each their own? Or is it something deeper? Are women who get weaves, perms or booty pop panties any worse than a sista who has braids? Or is it the person INSIDE that counts? Why do we as women let society or a man tell us what is beautiful?