Friday, September 17, 2010

Dazed and Confused

So, I am a shit talker. I make no excuses for that. I say what I want and usually mean what I say. Recently, I got involved in some high school drama while on Facebook. Now, I always thought Facebook was supposed to mean, you post things on people's wall or pages and they respond back to you... When did all this petty shit come into play? I am not an internet gangster. I am a grown-up. I can back up what I say. So, when I see a coward delete my posts or take offense to what is on the internet, I have no choice but to laugh out loud. You are the one being manipulated sir. Can't keep wanting what you cant have.

Anywhoo, that is enough time I will spend on those who don't matter.

Today is Friday and I am loving it!! Another weekend I will spend at home not doing a damn thing! I was actually thinking about re-arranging some things, though who knows. I got homework to do.... This math class is getting on my LAST nerve! Since I signed up for the real world before I went to college, I know for a fact that I wont need to know most of this shit to get by in life. So I think that is what frustrates me the most. I have been posting alegbraic equations to my co-workers all week and they seem to get a kick out of solving them! I will leave you with this...


Solve That!

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